The end of summer and the beginning of fall have been very busy and overwhelming. I have gone part-time at work and I am taking classes in order to apply for my master's degree. The kids are keeping us on our toes. I hope that when Charlotte looks back at my lack of posts during her first year, she knows that I post less because I am busy loving my time with her and Carter. Charlotte is growing up so fast. She is crawling, pulling up, cruising and trying to stand without holding on. She is the toughest girl that I have ever met. I am not sure where she got the gene, but she is seriously tough. Charlotte will crawl over obstacles as a way to push herself (her cousin Sloan is a favorite obstacle). Charlotte is a great eater and is so tall. She is just such a happy baby, unless she is in the car for too long--then she can WAIL! Carter is in preschool this fall and really likes it. When he tells stories of his day at school, I just die. He gives the funnies details and he seems to like the role of storyteller. Carter is sweet most of the time, but it has started to bother him when his little sister takes his toys. He is letting that terrible two's thing slip a little at those moments. Carter loves to go outside and watching cars "go backwards" entertains him to no end. We have gone to the fair recently and Carter loves the animals. Both of the kids love to go on walks and go to the park. We seem to be getting into a rhythm with our new schedules now that the semester is half way over and hopefully I will better about taking and posting pics of the kids. I just feel so lucky to have such a wonderfula family and I am so excited about fall and winter with our family of four!